This is well-known at the time, but Logitech is the best-selling ergonomic keyboard. Here are the hours of the company, the famous SS its peripherals, the orientirana of the office and the manufacturer (yes, we do not speak for gaming peripherals), the production of ergonomic mice, designed yes minimizirat natovarvaneto and naranyavaniyata from pretovarvane with constant work on the computer.
In the tracks of success on the MX Vertical Mouse and the Mx Ergo tractor, Logitech dosega did not have time to adjust the ergonomic keyboard. Nai-netne obache Ergo K860 vnasya intelligenten design in standardizirano izglezhdashchite claviatura, Koito sa ni poznati from the classic manufacturers on Pazara, Kato shchevremenno obedinyava in Tyah well obmysleni functions, Koito povishavat office productivitta – Kato vzmozhnost for sdvyavane on the claviatura with many devices and brzo Prevklyuchvane between two devices, izpolzvayki Logitech Flow. Osven ergonomic design, claviaturata ivva with additional oblekchavane on natovarvaneto when written with Po-friend and LEK response to the clavishite, kakto and Malko obsho teglo.
Ergo K860 e keyboard with design, Koito nyakoi reviewers narichat "IEC split". For Yes Ste sigurni, Che PRI Neya nikoga nyama da BDE necessary yes dokosvate tvrde a lot of lopatkite si, yes pritiskate rcete or kitkite Si, or triglna proluka between dvata osnovni block on klaviaturata, prednaznacheni for pisane with lyavata and dyasnata RKA. Sredata na klaviaturata ssho se izviva Nagore, such che not e need DA usukvate kitkite SI, for da mogat prstite You Da reach klavishite, Koito write izenzivno and with a high speed.
Resultat from tsalostniya isativen design e, che can yes write, dokato izvrshvate in-small stretches, sharp pridvizhvaniya, pressed on KitKit and effort on muskulite, as and almost without any nestesstveni for rtsete you movements, Koito when redovnite claviatura sa daily, and bavnoto and constantly natrupvane can yes bring to a significant naranyavaniya, Dori izobscho yes not useshate process, Koito harm on the bone and muscle structure on the rtsete you.
In comparison with other similar ergonomic keyboards, K860 is enough for the Golam to tilt, but that e po-plaven and thanks to Malko po-golemia, the size of the keyboard is straight to compete with them on the Pazar, the tilt is not intelligently obvious. Vpreki Che visualno ochakvate, Che tryabva da zaemete po-neobichaina position when writing, vsschnost rabotata with klaviaturata not SE razlicheva on nothing from the pelvis, on koyato and Da bilo conventional takava.
Logitech e enterprise nyakoi doplnitelni stpki, for Yes flattery of the transition from the traditional keyboard. Nai-obvious takava e podlozhkata za kitkata, koyato e fixed in dolnata Chast na klaviaturata. Oporata za kitkata sledva izvivkata na klaviaturata, koeto ya pravi effective, nezavisim KDE dvizhite rtsete si. Oporata E is convenient for kitkite you, but ssho such E and suffice stable, for Yes edzhrzha tezhestta on rtsete and yes not allowed promyana on stoikata on rtsete when written, koeto water to the feeling for umora. Tapiceriyata from Gray boards izglezhda well and e a lot of breathing-telesnata toplina nikoga not SE zadrzha prekaleno a lot, as usual this case SS synthetic and natural leather.
Po-golyamata part from the 109th key SA standardite Square buds Logitech Perfect Stroke, but budonite, Koito se namirat on the border between the two edges on the keyboard, SA with a small difference in size. Tova vsschnost flattery navigatsiyata on klaviaturata and namiraneto on klavishite with dokosvane.
Vpreki Che on time on testvaneto usetikh, Che dokato rkata we SE dvizheshe on dyasnata country on klaviaturata, buds Kato backspace still biaha Malko trudni for namirane – tips izvitata povrhnost imakh useschaneto, Che razstyaneto between klavishite e po-golyamo in nyakoi parts, but Tova not E such – vsschnost pogreshnoto vzpriyatie in nachaloto Leko can da povliae na nachala you on pisane and Da fun standardto you tempo, but razbira se Tova e vPros na Navitsi – s privikvaneto km po-neobikainiya design, Tosi nedavik se ilminira.
According to the sschia nachin krakata on Ergo K860 sa po-Golem from prednata Chast on klaviaturata, otkolkoto from zadnata, for da osiguryat negated the slope, koeto flattery on-naturally razpolagane on rtsete. You Kato yglt on the tilt can yes ztrudni pisaneto или yes Rays tractoriyata on the rcete, depending on the height and location on the work myasto, tuk and important yes bleach, Che in the kit on the keyboard ixvat change Kraka – takiva from 4 или 7 degrees tilt.
Logitech K860 e keyboard with plnia set from the key-in Tova number and digitya block, which e fixiran for it. Nyakoi amateurs on ergonomichne claviatura prefer vzmozhnost for svalyane on the digital block, but in the extreme Smetka measure on the claviaturata sa sufficient width, For Yes not SE otrazyava fixiranostta on the digital panels vrhu comfort when written – in the extreme Smetka that can yes BDE naplno ichnorran, without Tova on nyakakiv nachin da Rays positiata on rcete или useschaneto when written.
Kato se abstrachirame from the format and ergonomic characteristics, K860 razpolaga with many functions, focusirani vrhu productelnostta when written, Koito traditional bihme could da ochakvame from Edna from the keyboard Master Series on Logitech. It is possible to switch between functions on Windows and macOS, including and multimedia keys. Има and three keys, which you will allow to turn on between up to three twofold devices.
Ergo K860 Irva with obedinyavashcha bezzhichna vrzka, koyato can da BDE izpolzvana for svrzvane on the set of devices from the series Logitech MX, such che not SE nezhdayete from additional devices for bezzhichno svrzvane on the mouse on Logitech chrez Bluetooth. When testing on the set of devices will not open any problems SS zaksnenie or neotchitane na rabotata na nyakolko svrzani bezzhichni devices.
You Kato klaviaturata e pitiless, tryabva da spomenem and vprosa for the stomach on bateriyata. Imame mixed feelings about Tova, Che K860 има need from two AAA batteries, for Yes work. Here is the Edna country, not nor haresva Tova, Che tryabva da kupuvame constantly bateria, da GI smename and Da GI izhvrlyame-in the extreme Smetka not tryabva da zabravyame, Che izhvrlyaneto or in koshcheto not e good idea. Here is the second country, the manufacturer of tvrdi, Che with a single set of battery, keyboard can work for two hours without the need for a lift – such a Che Tova is not particularly pritesnenie.
Osven Tova Prez Tozi period nikog is not necessary yes zarezhdate klaviaturata SI-for good or evil. Bateriite, zaedno with myastoto for the storage on the ruthless dongl, sa lesno dostpni, Kato se namirat in Malk panels from dolnata country on the body on the keyboard.
Peripheral devices from high class on Logitech, designed for professionals, Kato K860 do not rule the exception from Tova. Consumer iPat vzmozhnost da izpolzvat own software on Logitech Options for configuration on nyakoi keys and additionally personalizirane to work with the keyboard. Applications offer naistina gvkavi vzmozhnosti za personalizirane-inclusive and vzmozhnost za prenasochvane on functionalnostta on keys, zdavane on Preki ptischi on pressed keys and added on different functionality for different applications.
Tova E is a lot of convenient help program for multitasking and experienced consumers, Koito redovno se need from dostp kakto to the laptop, such and to the desktop computer, vpreki che e without meaning, ako kupuvate itself K860 without a compatible mouse.
And it is in Tozi ed on mysli otivame km sledvashchata part from our review, koyato E is highlighted on mishkata Logitech ERGO M57, koyato vrvi is excellent with the keyboard.
Mishkata e modern interpretation on Edno from the most-early offers from Logitech on Pazara-M570. Vpreki Che leave razumno Varna on the early design on its predecessor, M570 e Malko on-golyama, with usvrshenstvan design, for Yes podobri doplnitelno comfort from the consumer.
Usvrshenstvaniyat sensor for optically traceable on Logitech instead of laser sensor for the previous model, koeto increased maximalnata sensitivity on mishkata from 1200 to 2000 DPI. M575 razpolaga and with Bluetooth svrzanost in addition to KM 2.4 GHz bezzhichnata vrzka and increased the stomach on the bateriyata – up to 24 months with a single set of batteries.
Offers CE in almost pure white or graphite color for devices with macOS and Windows. But do you deserve a premium mouse with a trakball? Prekarakh almost Edna week, razchitayki only on M575 for vsichki aspects on deinostite SI, for Yes receiving vzmozhno nai-dobrya otgovor on Tozi vPros. Izvodt, to Koito stignah, e che Logitech ERGO M575 defined Rays mnenieto we for mishkite with trakbol.
Dumata ergonomics is usually not vdkhva golyama Vyara in the design of the product. Kato obsho rule in the stomach open, Che Tova, koeto izglezhda well, E inconvenient, and Tova, koeto e convenient, e sensible terrible, Che Chesto Dori do not lie down on obmyslyane for buying from golyama part from consumer. Think for orthopedic shoes, ranitsi and laptopite with trakball instead of tchpad and many other similar examples.
Makar and vnshniya view on ERGO M575 yes not privlicha especially vsichki consumers from prvia moment, especially ako remember the time on chervenite trakbol devices. But kolkoto and yes izglezhda unconventionally for all, Koito not E zapoznat with work on Tozi type of Mouse, combinatsiyata here zaobleni ribove, Koito sstavlyavat tyaloto on ergonomichnata line peripherals on Logitech, noses sensible comfort when working, che e silno probably poveche Yes Do not look at the second mouse.
Zvezdata on showto, razbira CE, e blue furnace. Dolnoto positionran zapazva natural stand on rkata you and Cha Se plzga with Lekota at all gesture. Optichniyat sensor e dosta usposobim, predvid its sensitivity 2000 DPI, Kato CE пред predvid, Che mode, with Koito mishkata ixva on podbirane, E 400 DPI.
From dolnata Strana on myshkata prisstvat controls for on and off, kakto and prevklyuchvane on 2.4 GHz or Bluetooth vrzka. Има and the Department for batteries, koeto zkhranyava standard AA battery and at the same time e miraculously skrivalishche for a non-volatile USB receiver for devices, Koito not razpolagat with Bluetooth.
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